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Open Provenance Model Workshop: Towards Provenance Challenge 3


We released the first version of the Open Provenance Model (OPM). Teams have commented on the document, have recently published papers related to OPM, or have begun implementation work around OPM. It would be beneficial for the community to share this experience in a focused workshow, with the following goals:

This workshop will be held on Thursday June 19th, in Salt Lake City, right after IPAW'2008.


The workshop is aiming at discussions, and the programme allows plenty of time for these. Please contact if you wish to be contribute to the programme.


A small registration fee will cover the cost of breakfast/lunch/coffee. Details will follow shortly.


The workshop covered a range of issues with the initial specification of OPM. These issues are documented in the FirstOPMWorkshopMinutes. To further improve the OPM, it was decided that the best course of action was to put the OPM into practice through a Third Provenance Challenge.

Third Provenance Challenge

The broad aim of the next provenance challenge will be to test OPM as a means of interoperability between systems. Specifically, the community is interested in:

In addition to these aims, it was suggested that in conjunction with the challenge the following also be done as non-core tasks:


The schedule leading up to the Third Provenance Challenge is as follows (dates are due dates):

  1. July 15, 2008 - Version 1.01 of OPM
    • Upload the minutes of the meeting expressing the rationale for changes (Paul)
    • Revise the document according to the "easy" comments from the workshop today (OPM 1.01) (Luc)
    • Wikifying the new OPM document (Paul)
  2. July 15, 2008 onwards - Review of OPM 1.01
  3. Aug 1, 2008 - Submit workflows for the next challenge
    • Volunteers to contribute workflows.
    • Volunteers include Juliana, Paolo, Yogesh, Sergio, David
    • Create a page for a place to upload proposed workflows
    • Submissions should include a paragraph describing why the workflow is particularly novel
    • Submissions can be linked to from here: ThirdProvenanceChallengeWorkflowProposals
  4. Sept 1, 2008 = Review workflows for selection
    • Reviews will be judged by the following criteria
      • expressed in english
      • has figures
      • component parts are available for download / source
      • intermediate data made available for all components in the workflow
      • workflows will be reviewed for novelty and new test cases (e.g. collections, iterations)
  5. Sept. 30, 2008 - Finalize selected workflows for provenance challenge
  6. Sept. 30, 2008 - Serializations posted
  7. Oct. 1, 2008 - Specify the challenge (e.g. queries, tasks, etc.
  8. Christmas 2008 - Export of data and opm provenance
  9. Spring 2009 (around easter...) - Importing and Queries and Provenance Challenge Meeting

-- LucMoreau - 16 May 2008

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I Attachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
Luc-Moreau-agent-meaning.pptx manage 44.6 K 19 Jun 2008 - 16:14 LucMoreau  
Luc-Moreau-legal-inferences.pptx manage 53.7 K 19 Jun 2008 - 16:18 LucMoreau  
Paolo-Missier-OPM-IPAW.pdf manage 73.5 K 19 Jun 2008 - 17:29 LucMoreau  
Tommy-Ellkvist-vistrails-opm-ipaw2008.ppt manage 1414.5 K 19 Jun 2008 - 19:45 LucMoreau  
ComparisonofOPMandKarma3Models.doc manage 67.5 K 20 Jun 2008 - 22:09 PaulGroth  
FeedbackonOPM.pptx manage 61.1 K 20 Jun 2008 - 22:15 PaulGroth  

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