About ProvStore
ProvStore is a web service that allows you to store, browse and manage your provenance documents. The server can be accessed via this Web interface or via the REST API (using API key based authentication).
This service was built upon the prov package, which provides a Python implementation of the PROV specification.
The web based front-end is built with the Django Web framework.
The original development of the ProvPy package and ProvStore was funded by an EPSRC grant (EP/H500243/1) via the ORCHID Programme. ProvStore is currently hosted and maintained by King's College London.
If you use ProvStore in your reseach, please cite it as follows:
Huynh, Trung Dong and Moreau, Luc (2014) ProvStore: a public provenance repository. At 5th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW'14) , Cologne, Germany, 09 - 13 Jun 2014. 3pp